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The Chatham-Kent Community Health Centres is funded in large part by the Ministry of Health.

The Chatham-Kent Community Health Centres (CKCHC) are non-profit, community governed, multi-service health centres that provide primary health care, health promotion and community development services all under one roof. We offer a multitude of services and programs that improve the health and well-being of our community. All of our programs are free of charge and the majority of them are available to our clients and the community at-large. However, our services and programs are only partially funded by the government and other sources. Realizing our vision of the best possible health and wellbeing for those we serve cannot be done on our own.

Community donations allow us to expand upon the work we do – purchasing equipment, supplies and services that allow us to be more innovative and creative in our approach to client care and community programming. Sometimes they allow us to meet the very immediate needs of the clients we care for – including newcomers, those who live in poverty, individuals living with complex health concerns, seniors, and those who are homeless or at risk of homelessness.

By donating to the CKCHC, you are not only supporting the work that we do but you are also investing directly into your community.

If you would like your donation to support a certain program or service, please indicate this and we are happy to direct your donation as specified. If you do not specify, we will direct your donation to an area of most immediate need.

Your donation will be recognized with a letter and a charitable tax receipt. On behalf of the community we serve, we thank you for your generous gift.  Please be assured that we will put your donation to right to work as we build opportunities for healthy and inclusive communities.

For more information about donating to the CKCHC, please call 519-397-5455 ext. 125. We accept donations via cheque which can be made payable to the Chatham-Kent Community Health Centres and mailed to our Chatham office at 150 Richmond Street. Alternatively, you can donate online via Canada Helps by clicking on the Donate Now button. Donations of $10 or more will be entitled to a tax receipt.

Our charitable registration number is 836192427RR0001.

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